Crime in Sydney – Why Home Alarm System Monitoring Pays


Sydney is a wonderful city – multicultural, cosmopolitan, always interesting. Unfortunately many areas of Sydney have higher crime rates than anywhere else in the country. You need to effectively protect your home with an alarm system, and also with home alarm system monitoring. Here are the facts and figures to show you exactly why!


Property crime incidence by type in NSW


Here is a rundown of the types of property crime across NSW for 2009. Note that Sydney invariably has the largest incidence of these crimes.


  • Robbery: 358 cases in total
  • Break and enter: 36,816 cases in total
  • Steal from a dwelling: 12,083 cases in total
  • Malicious damage to property: 35,640 cases in total
  • Harassment, threatening behaviour and private nuisance: 18,601 cases in total
  • Trespass: 4,076 cases in total


It isn’t only burglaries that home alarm system monitoring can prevent. Install a system with a distress alarm on it, and you can get a fast response to incidents like trespass, threatening behaviour and malicious damage also.


Break and Enter rates


Break and enters (and the associated burglaries) are the main type of crime that home alarm system monitoring can protect you from. In 2009, there were 600 break-and-enters per 100,000 head of population. However, in 1998, that figure was around 1400 per 100,000 – any homeowner had a 1% chance of being burgled that year.


Expected trends in the future


It is possible that financial pressures due to rising unemployment and the global economy will cause an upward trend in property crime. Regardless of whether the general incidence is falling or rising, there are still hundreds of people every year that suffer the feelings of violation, fear and helplessness that go along with a burglary. Home alarm system monitoring is a great way to guarantee a feeling of safety in your own home … and Pacific Security Technology would argue that home alarm system monitoring is the ONLY way to feel safe in your home!